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Series 6

Episode 12: Seoid a' Bhuntata/Potato Heroes

Duration: 1 hour

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Am buntàta cumanta - dha cuid chan eil ann ach glasrach pollach, ach dha cuid eile tha e a' ciallachadh tòrr a bharrachd. Tha an glasraich freumhach seo air a bhith na phrìomh bhiadh sa mhòr chuid de dhùthchannan na Roinn Eòrpa airson nan ceudan de bhliadhnaichean, aqus tha am buntàta an-diugh na bhun-stèidh air gnìomhachas luach £160 millean dha eaconomaidh na h-Alba. Thig am buntàta ann an diofar chumaidhean, dhathan is mheudan, agus tha sinn ga ith an-diugh gun cus smuain a thoirt dha. Tha mòran ge-tà dìoghrasach dha-rìribh mu dheidhinn, agus tha e na phrìomh phàirt den bheatha aca.

Coinnichidh sinn ri cuid den luchd-dealasach seo. Bho na gràpan gàrraidh a th'air an cleachadh leotha-san a tha a' cur an gàrraidhean fhèin agus na curadairean 'guerilla' agus croitearan a tha a' cur nan seann sheòrsaichean, gu innealan trom nan tuathanach air tìr-mòr a tha gan reic thall thairis. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd mun sgil shònraichte a tha co-cheangailte ri bhith ag àrach buntàta , agus obair riatanach an rogaire, agus bheir an t-Eòlaiche Buntàta, Alan Romans, a shealladh shònraichte fhèin air a' bhuaidh a bh'aig a' bhuntàta air eachdraidh na dùthcha !

Trusadh : Seòid a' Bhuntàta - cothrom thu fhèin a bhogadh ann an saoghal iongantach a' ghlasraich shìmplidh - bho sìol a' bhuntàta gun truinnsear.

The humble potato - to some it's just a muddy tuber, but to others it means much, much more. The potato, a root vegetable which has become a staple in most European countries in the past few hundred years, is today the basis of an industry that is worth £160 million to the Scottish economy. It comes in many shapes, colours and sizes and is so commonplace that it's often now taken for granted.

For many, though, it's an all-pervading passion and is a major part of their lives. We meet a handful of these potato enthusiasts. From the garden forks of the dedicated home growers, and the guerrilla
gardeners and crofters growing heritage varieties, to the heavy machinery of mainland potato farmers exporting worldwide. We also hear about the art of potato breeding and the vital work of the roguer, and Scotland's potato guru Alan Romans give his own take on how the tattie shaped our very history!

Trusadh : Potato Heroes - a chance to indulge in the unexpected world of the spud - from seed to plate. Show less


Alan Romans

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