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Series 6

Episode 3: Dòmhnall agus na Bàtaichean Carago/Donald and the Cargo Boats

Duration: 1 hour

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha bàtaichean air a bhith riatanach dha coimhearsnachdan iomallach nan eilean air cost' an Iar na h-Alba fad iomadh linn. Nam measg tha bàtaichean carago Cal Mac a bha a' frithealadh Innse Gall anns na 40an, na 50an, na 60an, agus na 70an - na bàtaichean a thàinig an dèidh nam bàtaichean-smùid ainmeil.

'S e Dòmhnall Meek, a tha e fhèin fìor dhèidheil air bàtaichean Cal Mac agus a bhios a' togail bhàtaichean modail tha ag innse na sgeulachd. 'S iomadh cuimhne phrìseil a th'aige de leithid an Lochcarron a' tadhal air Tiriodh bho làithean na bhalach òg air an eilean , agus nuair a bha e san àrd sgoil san Oban.

'S ann bho na h-eileanan a bha mòran de na sgiobaidhean cuideachd, agus cluinnidh sinn cuid de na sgeulachdan annasach agus èibhinn bho feadhainn den luchd sgioba a bha air bòrd. Dòmhnall agus na Bàtaichean Carago - a' cuimhneachadh air bàtaichean a tha air leth sònraichte dha muinntir nan eilean air cost' an iar na h-Alba - tro sgeulachd, agallamh, agus seann fhilm àraid àlainn.

Boats have long been a lifeline for the fragile island communities of the Scottish West coast. Amongst those were the Cal mac cargo-boats which served the Inner and Outer Hebrides in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s - direct descendants of the famous puffers. Keen model boat builder and Cal mac enthusiast, Donald Meek narrates the story.

He has fond recollections of the visits of the likes of the Lochcarron from his days as a young boy in Tiree, and then in Oban while at High school. Weaving beautiful, and little seen archive with these anecdotes and interviews, Donald and the Cargo Boats tells the warm, nostalgic story of these boats and their special place amongst the islanders of the Scottish west coast. Show less


Donald Meek

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