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Series 5

Episode 7: An Cànan Dìomhair/Amazon Code

Duration: 56 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Ann an sgìre iomallach dhen Amason, tha an trì cheud neach mu dheireadh de threubh Piraha a' fuireach. Tha cànan air leth annasach aca: chan eil facail aca airson da han no àireamhan; chan eil guth aca air na th' air a dhol seachad no na tha ri teachd - agus tha seo air mòran deasbad a dhèanamh am measg luchd-cànain!

Anns na naoi-ceud-deug is seachdadan, choinnich Daniel Everett muinntir Piraha, 's e na mhiseanaraidh as an Amason. Airson trichead bliadhna, rinn e an t-oidhirp an cànan a thuigse, agus mus robh e deiseil san Amason, b' e neach-cànain a bh' ann fhèin,
a' fàs ainmeil air sgàth a bheachdan connsachail a bha a' dol an aghaidh bheachdan gràmar Noam Chomhsky.

In a remote region of the Amazon live the last 300 members of the Pirahã tribe. They have one of the strangest languages in the world: they have no words for colours and numbers, no concern for the past nor the future - making it one of the hottest debates ever among linguists! In the 1970's, Daniel Everett first met the Pirahã as a Christian missionary exploring the Amazon basin.

For 30 years, he attempted to understand the near indecipherable Pirahã language - and re-invented himself as a linguist, grabbing headlines by challenging Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar. Show less

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