Series 2
Episode 35: An Trean Bheag aig Papa/Grandpa's Little Train
5 minutes
Tha Papa Muc air trèan bheag dhòigheil a thogail air a bheil Gormal. Tha Papa Muc a'toirt Peppa, Deòrsa agus an càirdean air chuairt. Tha Peppa is Deòrsa dhan a bheach gur i Gormal an trèan as fhèarr anns an t-saoghal gu lèir.
Grandpa Pig has built a fantastic little train called Gertrude. Grandpa takes Peppa and George for a ride on Gertrude and along the way they meet their friends. Peppa and George think that Gertrude is the very best train in the whole world! Show less