To get away from Cindy, Peter asks if he can join Dexter and Jay on their. After some deliberation, they agree. Jay and Dexter pick up the car they're delivering; Phil insists Jay drives - he doesn't want anything to go wrong. Lola's unenthusiastic when she learns Peter is coming on holiday. Eventually, the excited gang set off on their road trip. On the way, they all start bickering about music and Abi snaps at Jay. When they get lost, Jay pulls off the road. Peter interprets Phil's map and Lola's amused by his navigational skill. The car gets stuck in a ditch, and as Peter and Dexter push the car free Lola gets splattered with mud. Peter gallantly whips off his t-shirt so she can borrow it, then holds up his hoody to give her the privacy to change, Lola is charmed when he doesn't look. They eventually arrive at Woodcreek Holiday Park. The gang find Cindy hiding in the boot. Peter's aghast and Cindy makes it clear she overheard a comment he made en route about not wanting her in his family. Cindy, Lola, Peter and Dexter head for the pub, where barmaid Kitty flirts with Dexter. Back at the caravan, Jay demands to know what's wrong with Abi and she admits she might be pregnant.
Billy's skint; Lola gives him money to pay for a giraffe suit she's reserved for Lexi. Billy's head's turned by glamorous B&B resident, Tara, who's supposedly in London for a conference. After finding a circled racing tip in a discarded paper, Billy enjoys a substantial win on the horses. While he's paying Kim for babysitting, Tara notes his wad of cash. She's in need of stockings and Billy offers to show her the shops.
Alarm bells ring for Alfie when Ollie mentions Jean's been a live wire the last couple of days. Alfie suggests to Jean it might be a good idea to tell him about her bipolar. But when Ollie visits Jean after work and asks if she's okay, Jean claims she just doesn't like strawberries. She's determined not to tell Ollie about the bipolar - telling Alfie it's her decision. Show less