Kenton jokes to Jolene that she's marrying into a horsey set. Jolene's keen to hold her own today at the Pony Club with Mandy Beesborough et al.
Nic's still thinking of baby names. She's hoping it'll be a girl, given George's odd suggestion of Boaz for a boy. Lilian has seemed tense this week. Jolene's evasive when Kenton asks about Matt.
Lily's nervous about falling off her pony in front of Jolene. But she's delighted when Jolene asks her to be a bridesmaid. By contrast, Freddie's horrified to be asked to be a page boy, but manages to politely wriggle out of it. Lily's so excited though.
Helen and Rob bump into each other. It's an edgy encounter. Rob may be off to Hampshire this weekend and she wishes him well whatever he decides to do.
Oliver's mock-amazed when Caroline admits his record keeping has been faultless. He wants Caroline to admit that Grey Gables can function without her. He doesn't want her getting ill again and can see Caroline falling back into old habits and exhausting herself. Caroline's not prepared to take on a manager though.
Oliver takes action. If not a manager, then he wants Caroline to agree to a long holiday. He'll organise agency cover. Caroline says she'll think about it. Show less