Series Title: Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart
Programme/episode title: Of Coke Dealers and Cardioverters
Richard Tyrone Jones, healthy, gym-going poet, man about town and aspirant womaniser, finds himself, on his thirtieth birthday, stricken by an unexpected present: heart failure. Confined to hospital with a a dilated, literally-big heart, surrounded by old men, stuck on drugs and drips and forced to cope with curious medical procedures and even curiouser fellow patients, will he die, or worse, be doomed to life in a mobility scooter at home with his parents in Dudley?
Based on Richard's Wellcome Trust supported solo show each episode illuminates a different aspect of the experience of illness and facing your own mortality. Half-way between a sitcom and real-life storytelling, Richard will explain some of his illness's progression through direct address and his own poems.
Richard Tyrone Jones is a poet and writer and director of spoken word at the Edinburgh Festival Free Fringe.
It was written by Richard Tyrone Jones
With additional material by Michael Mixy Riccardi
Studio engineer and editor - Matt Katz
Produced by Nick Walker
A Top Dog production for BBC Radio 4. Show less