Advice on how to be a powerful woman from Ruby McGregor Smith, Chief Executive of MITIE Group plc, and other guests at our programme launching six powerlist films. Powerlister Sigrid Rausing on her philanthropy and publishing. Facts and figures behind domestic violence statistics; Dr Catherine Donovan from Sunderland University, Jane Keeper from Refuge and Ian who was abused by a former partner discuss.
Brene Brown on her book, The Power of Vulnerability. How late can you leave it to try to conceive naturally? Kate Garraway, journalist and ambassador for the Get Britain Fertile Campaign, Professor of Reproductive Medicine at Liverpool Women's Hospital Charles Kingswood and Claudia Spahr author of Right Time Baby discuss later motherhood.
Writer, broadcaster and stand-up comedian, Viv Groskop on 'extreme retro' baby names. Florence Knight Cooks the Perfect...warm salad of chargrilled courgette, pecorino cheese and honey. Show less