Series 3
Episode 1: Bholtopia & Brògan Laochail
20 minutes
Tha Bholtar 's Cròg den bheachd g' eil iad air an saoghal a sgrios - tachartas a tha toirt dhaibh an cothrom a chruthachadh às ùr - mar a thogras iad! Tha Bholtar air brògan ùr a' lorg a tha ga fhàgail beagan nas àirde 's beagan nas coltaiche ri laoch na ri eucorach.
Thinking that they have destroyed the planet, Bholtar and Cròg decide to re-build - as they see fit! Bholtar finds a pair of platform boots that not only makes him a little bit taller but also a little more hero-like. Show less