Ann an 'Tiugainn a Dhannsa' na seachdaine seo tha Ailean Caimbeul a' toirt thugaibh taghadh eile de cheòl a' bhogsa le dòchas gu dùisg e beagan cianalais dhuibh le ceòl bho leithid nan Còmhlain aig Lex Keith, Sìne NicConachaigh agus Bill Black. Tha Ailean cuideachd a' cluinntinn beagan chuimhneachain air dannsaichean òige bho Donaidh MacFhionghuinn à Camus Croise san Eilean Sgitheanach.
In this week's edition of Tiugainn a Dhannsa (Come Dancing) Allan Campbell introduces another selection of Scottish dance bands including some famous names of yesteryear, as he aims to trigger nostalgic memories among listeners. Each programme also features younger bands alongside these famous bands of the past and this week's selection includes Lex Keith's Scottish Country Band, and the Scottish Dance Bands of Jean McConnachie and Bill Black. This week's guest is Donnie MacKinnon from Camuscross in Sleat, Isle of Skye, who reminisces on the community in which he grew up and describes some dances of his youth. Show less