Series 3
Episode 12
30 minutes
Neach lìbhrigidh ùr, sgeadachadh dathte, sgiobaidhean easgaidh agus dùbhlain tharraingeach. Gach seachdain bidh dà sgioba, le dithis òga agus aoigh, a' spàirn an aghaidh a chèile thairis air còig cuairtean de dhùbhlain, airson cliù agus cuach Gleusta a chosnadh. An t-seachdain seo, bidh sgiobaidhean bho Bun-sgoil an Iochdair agus Bun-sgoil Phort Rìgh a strì an aghaidh a chèile. Air aoigheachd aca bidh Seumas MacParthaláin agus Raonaid Cheanadach.
A new presenter, a colourful studio set, eager teams and exciting challenges. Each week, two teams of youngsters go head to head in a battle of brains, wit and agility. With the support of a special guest, the teams meet on the studio set of Gleusta and battle over five rounds of competition. Featuring teams from Iochdar Primary School and Portree Primary School, with special guests James McParland and Rachel Kennedy. Show less