Alba 1970s
Episode 10: 1979
28 minutes
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1979 cuide ri taghadh de cheòl na bliadhna. Am measg na thachair: cothrom aig Albannaich bhòtadh ann an referendum airson cumhachd a thilleadh a dh'Alba, muinntir na h-Eileanan Siar iomagaineach mu leudachadh a bh' air fàire aig port-adhair Steòrnabhaigh agus Prìomhaire ùr ann am Breatainn. Am measg nan taghaidhean ciùil tha Tragedy le The Bee Gees, London Calling le The Clash agus Message In A Bottle le The Police.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1979 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: a referendum on whether or not to have a Scottish Assembly, concerns in the Western Isles over the proposed expansion of Stornoway Airport and a new Prime Minister for the UK. The year's chart hits include Tragedy by The Bee Gees, London Calling by The Clash and Message In A Bottle by The Police. Show less