Ann am prògram sònraichte, tha Patsi NicChoinnich a' toirt cuireadh dhuibh a thighinn a dh' èisteachd ri sàr thaghaidhean bhon chiad sreath de na programan ciùil. Measgachadh farsain bho cheòl country, gu ceòl rock, gu ceòl a' bhocsa agus na cuimhneachain a tha ceangailte riutha.
In a special compilation programme, Patsi MacKenzie invites you to enjoy a selection from the first strand - with a selection of music from country, to rock, through to Gaelic traditional. With contributions from John Neil Macdonald, Iain MacAulay and Niall Iain Macdonald, who explain the reasons and the memories behind their choices. Show less