Turas Tony
Series 2
Episode 3: Coach Trip Tour Guide
30 minutes
Tha an cleasaiche Tony Kearney a' deanamh iomlaid aon uair eile bho chòmhfhurtachd stiùideò telebhisean gus toiseachadh air ceithir obraichean ùr. Anns an treasa phrògram anns an t-sreath seo chithear Tony a' feuchainn ri rian a chumail air bus làn luchd-turais ann an Eilean Leòdhais agus anns na Hearradh.
Actor and presenter Tony Kearney from BBC's 'River City' swaps the comfort of a television studio for another set of four varied and challenging professions. Tony is put in charge of a bus load of tourists on the Isle of Lewis as he attempts to be their coach trip tour guide. Show less