Ceol Country
Series 5
Episode 3
1 hour
Tha Anne Lundon a' toirt thugainn cuid de na pìosan-ciùil as fheàrr is i aig Fèis Ceòl Dùthchail Nashville a Tuath a tha a' gabhail àite gach bliadhna ann an Sgìre Ghallaibh. Cluinnear seinneadairean is còmhlain-ciùil eadar-nàiseanta agus feadhainn a bhuinneas don sgìre fhèin. Nam measg Joey & Rory, Mary B & Family Band agus Slange Ava.
A bharrachd air air an fhèis fhèin, tha Anne a' coinneachadh ri balaich òg na Chicken Pickers agus iad a' deisealachadh airson an CD ùr aca a' sgaoileadh don mhòr shluagh.
Anne Lundon brings you highlights from the Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival. Among the artistes showcased at the festival are Joey & Rory, Mary B and Family Band and Slange Ava.
In addition to the festival coverage, Anne meets the youngest of the Chicken Pickers as they prepare to release their first ever album. Show less