Leabhar na Dluth-Choille/Jungle Book
Episode 28: Am Pathadh Mòr/Thirst!
10 minutes
Chan eil ach aon stòras uisge air fhàgail 's tha Shere-Khan ga chumail dha fhèin 's do Tabaqui. Gus tràthadh, feumaidh na beathaichean eile faighinn chun an lòn ach cha leig an tìgeir olc leotha mura toir iad dha Mowgli an toiseach.
There is only one watering hole left in the jungle, which Shere-Khan is refusing to share with the other animals who are dying of thirst. The nasty tiger agrees to let them drink on the condition that he gets Mowgli in return. Show less