In the next episode in this exclusive series for BBC Asian Network, Shah Rukh Khan celebrates one of Bollywood's most popular icons, Amitabh Bachchan. Born in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh on 11 October 1942, Amitabh has acted in hundreds of films during an astonishing film career spanning over four decades. He is considered one of the greatest and most influential actors in the history of Indian cinema. Shah Rukh describes him as "a hero to millions and billions" and recalls that one of his greatest achievements was when he "was able to stand in the same frame (as Bachchan), breathe the same air and that I got to work with him." The Bollywood super star talks about some of his favourite Amitabh films including Amar Akbar Anthony, Shakti, Satte Pe Satta and Lawaaris. He remembers meeting his hero while he was growing up and how Shah Rukh's aunt knew this tall actor with intense eyes "would become one of the greatest things Indian cinema has ever seen." He explains how Amitabh has had a remarkable influence on his life and how he feels privileged to know him. Shah Rukh Khan says the longevity of Amitabh's career is outstanding, saying "he just goes on and on because he's one of the few things which is completely against the idiom that good things don't last, he is the good thing. There is no ending to this." Shah Rukh also praises Amitabh's professionalism and his sheer hard work, remembering the experiences he had on films like Mohabbatein and Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. He says Amitabh is a perfectionist and always strives to be great. He lovingly mimicks Amitabh's voice and refers to him as the coolest guy on the planet. "He is one of the finest finest people, finest actors, and a great human being to have come into my life." Show less