Derek wakes Alfie early with a job for him. Christian warns Roxy away, but she’s alarmed to see Alfie in a car with Derek and two men. Derek returns alone and is evasive on Alfie’s whereabouts. Alfie’s mobile repeatedly goes to voicemail. Roxy beseeches Max, then Phil, for help. Her panic mounts as she spots the same men driving away in Alfie’s car. Jean says Alfie’s gone away. Roxy’s horrified when Derek answers Alfie’s mobile. Later, she’s weak with relief when Alfie appears and reveals Derek merely had him collect his laundry. Derek laughs as a furious Roxy goes for him. Alfie’s bemused. Roxy realises today was just a game. Frustrated that Alfie can’t see what Derek can, Roxy tells Alfie she loves him.
Shirley plasters handwritten flyers seeking information on Heather’s murder around the Square. Ben intercepts his psychiatric report from Masood. Phil takes down Shirley’s flyer in McKlunky’s and rings the school to check up on Ben. Later, Ben shrugs off Jay’s questions, dismisses the report as rubbish and tries to bin it but Phil catches him. Phil’s concerned as the report discusses Ben’s aspirations to be like Phil. Worried that Ben killed Heather because it’s what he thought he would do, Phil assures Ben he never has to prove himself.
Max tries to make amends with Bianca by buying some makeup. Bianca refuses but agrees to dinner. The kids wolf their food and Morgan hides potatoes in his jumper. Bianca’s indignant when Tanya gives them wine and roast potatoes to take home, convinced it’s charity.
Masood helps Tiffany work out the price of 2 for 1 chocolate in the Minute Mart. Bianca asks him to be Tiffany’s tutor.
Max guesses Abi’s back with Jay. Abi hotly defends her relationship. Tanya’s reminded of Cora warning her against Max. Show less