Tha Ailean anns An Dìg an cuideachd Lachaidh MacGilÌ-Iosa agus a' cluinntinn mu ghnìomhachas na cailce a bha a' dol an sin fad grunn bhliadhnaichean aig toiseach na ficheadamh linn. Tha Lachaidh cuideachd ag innse mun eas-aonta a bha eadar cuid de na croitearan agus luchd a mhèinnidh. Bho làrach-fàire tha Lachaidh a' toirt iomradh do dh' Ailean air na chì iad de sgìre Stafain.
Allan Campbell is in the village of Digg in Staffin in the company of local crofter Lachie Gillies who tells some of the history of diatomite mining in the area in the early 20th century and also describes some disputes between the mining company and local crofters. From a vantage point Lachie describes the view of the local villages and he also tells of the challenging travel arrangements from the area prior to the coast road to Portree being constructed in the early 20th century. Show less