Lord Sugar calls the teams to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Their task is to invent a new household gadget, create a prototype and pitch for orders to some of the country's biggest retailers.
The teams go window shopping in the world of homeware, looking for gaps in the market. The girls become focussed on the bathroom, while the boys stay firmly in the kitchen. Both teams are torn between two competing ideas, and to help reach a decision test their concepts with consumers.
Next stop is to brief designers, who will build the gadgets overnight, but a last minute change of mind causes confusion and consternation. The next day it is red faces all round. When it comes to pitching to retailers, the boys fight over who should present the product and the girls get their figures in twist.
Back in the boardroom the candidates get grilled on their gadgets, and team performance is so dismal that Lord Sugar takes his time to decide who should be the next candidate to hear the words "You're fired". Show less