Tha Eòin Dòmhnallach ag innse beagan den sgeulachd aig Beathag Mhòr NicDhòmhnaill do dh'Ailean Caimbeul.
Cluinnear cuideachd eachdraidh taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhoire aig Eòin agus iomradh air Hearbusta agus Peighinn a' Ghobhainn agus gaisgich àm Strì an Fhearainn. Tha Eòin cuideachd a' toirt iomradh air Fladaidh Chuain, Lùb an Sgòir, Cùl a' Bhealaich, agus Caisteal Dhùn Thuilm.
Jonathan MacDonald tells Allan Campbell about Beathag Mhòr MacDonald who was a servant to the Martins of Bealach; of her love for young Martin Martin, and about some of the songs she composed. Jonathan also describes the significance of the Martin family.
Allan then hears some of the history of Peingown and Herbusta during the 19th century land struggles. Allan then travels further north with Jonathan who describes the views across the sea to Fladaigh Chuain and he tells some of the history of the island group. They arrive at the ruined Duntulm Castle which was once the ancestral home of Macdonald of the Isles. Show less