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Tilleadh Dhachaigh - gu Iochdair Thròndairnis

Episode 7

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

'S e Lachaidh Mac Gill-Iosa tha an cuideachd Ailean Caimbeul ann am baile Fhlòdaigearraidh agus e a' toirt iomradh air beagan de dh'eachdraidh na sgìre . Cluinnidh sinn mun oighreachd fhèin mu dhà thobair a tha ri lorg san àite - Tobar na Slàinte agus Tobar na Curagh. Tha eachdraidh aig Lachaidh cuideachd mu chuid de na lochan a tha dhan cuairteachadh. Tha sgeulachd iongatach aig te dhiubh, Loch Leum nam Bràdh, far an deach na clachan-bràdha a thoirt bho na croitearan agus an cuir fodha airson 's nach b'urrainn dhaibh an cleachdadh agus nach biodh dol às aca an uair sin ach muilnean an uachdarain a chleachdadh airson an cuid mine a dhèanamh.

Allan Campbell is in the village of Flodigarry in the company of local crofter Lachie Gillies who tells some of the history of the estate and also some of the area's legends, such as the origins of the wells, Tobar na Slàinte and Tobar na Curagh. He also tells the stories of local lochs including Loch Leum nam Bràdh where the quern stones forcibly taken from crofters were dumped in order to force them to use the landlord's mills. Show less

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