Tha Seonaidh Dòmhnallach ag innse gu mionaideach mu eachdraidh Blàr Chàirinis agus an t-òran ainmeil, A Mhic Iain 'Ic Sheumais a thàinig às. Tha Niall MacIllEathain a' cuir ris an fhiosrachadh sin is a' falbh cuairt air feadh na sgìre. Tha eòlas farsaing aige mu chruitean, cleachaidhean is caitheamh-beatha a bh' ann na òige.
John MacDonald gives a detailed account of the Battle of Carinish in 1601 and tells the story behind the well-known song A Mhic Iain 'Ic Sheumais composed during the battle. Neil MacLean adds further detail to that story. He continues onwards through the village giving detailed information about crofts, customs and other anecdotes from his youth. Show less