Alba 1980s
Episode 5: 1984
30 minutes
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1984 cuide ri taghadh de cheòl na bliadhna. Nam measg: stailc nam mèinnearan a' toirt buaidh air an dùthaich, Raibeart Mugabe a' faighinn ceum urramach bho Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann agus trèana-smuid ga cuir air an loidhne eadar An Gearasdan agus Mallaig gus luchd-turais a bhrosnachadh tadhal air a' Ghàidhealtachd.
Am measg na taghaidhean ciùil tha 'Purple Rain' bho Prince, 'Young at Heart' bho Na Bluebells agus 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' bho Band Aid.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1984 through archive footage and the year's chart hits. The effects of the miners' strike are felt across the country, Robert Mugabe is honoured by Edinburgh University for his services to education in Africa and a steam train is introduced on the Fort William to Mallaig railway line in an attempt to attract more tourists to the Highlands.
The year's chart hits include Prince's 'Purple Rain', 'Young at Heart' from The Bluebells and Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'. Show less