Series 2
Episode 2
30 minutes
Feumaidh tu bhith luath, easgaidh agus eòlach airson soirbheachadh ann an Gleusta. Gach seachdain bidh dà sgioba, le dithis òga agus aoigh, a' spàirn an aghaidh a chèile thairis air còig cuairtean de dhùbhlain, airson cliù agus cuach a chosnadh.
'S iad sgiobaidhean Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu agus Bun-sgoil Lìonail a bhios a' strì airson duais Gleusta na seachdain seo. Bidh Jamie Kieran agus Eilidh NicIllFhinnein air aoigheachd aca agus bidh Liz Pyper & Steven MacÌomhair a' cumail rian air cùisean.
The fast, exciting studio show Gleusta is back with a second series, with new teams and new challenges. Each week, two teams of youngsters go head to head in a battle of brains, wit and agility. With the support of a special celebrity guest, the teams meet on the studio set of Gleusta and battle over five rounds of competition.
This week's Gleusta features teams from Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu and Lionel Primary Schoolcompete for the Gleusta crown, with special guests Jamie Kieran and Eilidh MacLennan. Presented by Liz Pyper and Steven MacIver. Show less