TONIGHT'S SPEAKER in this series had a distinguished career at Eton and Oxford; was Fellow and Lecturer at Trinity College, Oxford, in 1910; Chaplain in 1912 ; he resigned in 1917, and was received into the Church of Rome. He is now Catholic Chaplain at the University of Oxford.
An intellectual and wit. But his sense of humour is no stronger than is his earnestness when he feels impelled to challenge what he considers unweighed opinions and unsound doctrines. In 'Caliban in Grub Street '"he tilted at authors with international reputations, and tumbled the conceptions of best sellers in the* dust; but tonight when he comes to the microphone his sense of humour will not aHow him to forget a category of big names he once criticised as ' Broadcast Minds For he is surely challenging the criticism that for a quarter of an hour he is to be a ' Broadcast. Mind ' himself.