Ceol Country
Series 4
Episode 6
1 hour
Tha Anne Mhoireasdan a' toirt thugainn de na pìosan as fheàrr bho fèis-ciùil à Crìochan na h-Alba. A-nochd, cluinnidh sinn bho còmhlain-ciùil nam pailteas - nam measg Henry Smith & Country Dreams, agus Chris Raddings. A bharrachd air a' cheòl, tha Anne a' gabhail pàirt ann an co-fharpais 'quick draw' agus gheibh sinn sealladh air cho dorbh sa tha e dha còmhlain nuair a thathas a' feuchainn air òrain ùr nan 'set'.
Anne Morrison presents highlights from the Kelso Country and Western Music Festival. Among the artists showcased at the festival are Henry Smith and Country Dreams and Chris Raddings. In addition to the music Anne takes part in a Western quick draw competition and samples the pre-gig nerves with a band as they introduce new material into their set. Show less