Tha Eòrpa a' tilleadh le sreath ùr. Le eaconomaidh na Roinn Eòrpa gu lèir a' fulang, agus sgaraidhean a' nochdadh eadar tuath agus deas an Eurozone, tha Iain Macaonghais a' coimhead air na h-eadar-dhealaichidhean eaconomach eadar tuath agus deas san Eadailt. Bho gnìomhachas ard-ìre a' chinn a tuath, gu tuathanasan a' chinn a deas- a bheil leasain rin ionnsachadh bho suidheachadh na dùthcha, neo am feum sinn aideachadh gu bheil pròiseact an Eurozone do-dhèanta ri choileanadh aig a' cheann thall?
Eorpa returns with a new series. With the European economy as a whole suffering and economic differences emerging between the countries of the north and south of the Eurozone, Iain Macinnes examines parallels with the economic divisions between the north and south in Italy. From high industry in the north to the farms of the south - are there positive lessons to be learnt from Italy's situation, or does it have to be accepted that the Eurozone project is flawed from inception? Show less