Charles Darwin once said that "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life". He was obviously thinking about celebrities spending 60 minutes huffing and puffing on the Total Wipeout course... Not only do they not dare to waste their time (character-building, win 10,000 pounds for the charity of their choice, make children laugh), but they do learn the value of life - e.g. "Thank goodness that's over", "I want to go home now" and "Can I have a lie-down please?"
This episode is no different to the norm - 10 celebrities from the worlds of sport and entertainment turn their backs on their home comforts, their families and the advice of their agents to just say no, to tackle the purpose-built course in Buenos Aires. One will be victorious and win the title of Total Wipeout Celebrity Champion, while nine will be reaching for the Band Aid.
Richard Hammond is your host, Amanda Byram is your co-host and Brian Belo from Big Brother, high jumper Dalton Grant, glamour gal Nicola McClean and Fast Show comic Simon Day are just some of your victims... or rather contestants.
Let the carnage commence. Show less