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Series 3

Episode 12: Alba 's an Gunna (Scotland and the Gun)

Duration: 1 hour

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha an Gunna air a bhith dha-rìribh riatanach dha sgìrean dùthchail na h-Alba fad ghinealaichean. Chun an là 'n-diugh tha na th' air a chosnadh bhon dualchas eachdraidheil is cultarach co-cheangailte ri sealg agus losgadh airson spòrs, fìor chudromach dhan dùthaich, gu sònraichte tro mhìosan thrang an Fhoghair agus a' Gheamhraidh. Tha tachartasan neo-thraidiseanta ràitheil
leithid losgadh clay-pigeon cuideachd a' sìor fhàs.

Coinnichidh sinn riuthasan a tha a' sealg airson spòrs, cluinnidh sinn mu obair a' phoileis ann a bhith a' cumail rian air ceadan armachd losgaidh aig ìre ionadail, agus chì sinn gu bheil ealain dealbhachadh ghunnaichean fhathast gu mòr na phàirt luachmhòr dha beatha dhùthchail na h-Alba.

Tha deasbad mu reachdas nan gunnaichean ann an Alba a' leantainn ge-tà, as dèidh diofar thachartasan uabhasach, leithid Dùn Bhlàthain agus bho chionn ghoirid na thachair ann an Cumbria an-uiridh.

The gun has played a major role in rural Scottish life for generations. To this day, the history and cultural heritage of hunting and shooting for sport, generates a vital income, especially during the busy autumn/winter season. Non-traditional seasonal activities such as clay pigeon shooting are also on the increase.

We meet those who shoot for sport, find out about how the police implement and control the issuing of firearm certificates at a local level, and discover that the art of gunmaking is still very much a lucrative part of rural Scottish life today as we meet some of these craftsmen at work.

Debate continues to surround gun legislation in Scotland though, following the horrors of Dunblane and more recent atrocities including Cumbria in 2010. Show less

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