For a year a BBC team had exclusive access to the custody suite of Humberside Police that specialises in hosting Hull's 2,000 young people who are arrested annually.
This episode looks at how kids at the bottom of the pile are dealt with when they are arrested and find themselves alone in the Lock Up. It's out of hours, there are no parents on the scene and no-one other than the busy custody team to keep them company, apart from a bunch of violent, suicidal and hardened adult criminals.
The Lock Up is no place to be young and once they're in, one in three is destined to reoffend. It's up to police and social services to get them back on track. Sgt Dave Beer finds himself babysitting two regulars - two girls in care, aged 11 and 12, one nicked for assault, the other for threatening to set fire to her care worker's hair. An 11-year-old first-timer, too small to reach the custody desk to sign his name, spends ten hours alone in the Lock Up overnight.
The mum of a drunken 36-year-old visits the Lock Up and begs him to give up the demon drink for the sake of his family and a teenager is nicked for burgling the old age pensioner whose dog he walks. Show less