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Series 3

Episode 6: Trailleachd (Addiction)

Duration: 1 hour

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha an Trusadh - Tràilleachd a' toirt sùil air a' chuspair farsaing a tha seo a tha a' buntainn ris a' mhòr shluagh agus tha e air a lìbhrigeadh le Norrie Dòmhnallach a bha uair fo bhuaidh ach a th' air leasachadh a dhèanamh na bheatha.

Leig Norrie seachad deoch-làidir bho chionn deich bliadhna agus tha an t-eòlas a th' aige bhon togail a fhuair e ann an Leòdhas, am foghlam a fhuair e ann an Glaschu agus bliadhnaichean de dhroch chleachdaidh gu àm an uair a dh' aidich e gu robh e fo bhuaidh air a chlàradh, le iomraidhean bho tràillean eile agus luchd-proifeiseanta anns a' phrògram uair a thìde a tha seo.

Tha càirdeas làidir aige ris an tè aig an robh e pòsta agus a' chlann, thàinig e gu bhith na chaiptean dhen chluba goilf ionadail agus ged a tha e na dhuine iriosal, tha e an dòchas gun toir e misneachd do dhaoine eile a tha gam faighinn fhèin glaiste is iad fo bhuaidh rudeigin.

Addiction is described as a dysfunctional coping strategy and whether it is alcohol, narcotics, gambling or food, addiction affects thousands in this country bringing misery to many and death to some.

Trusadh - Addictions examines this vast topic through the prism of 'commonality' and is led by recovering addict Norrie Macdonald. Norrie has been free of Alcohol for ten years and his experience from a settled, idyllic upbringing in Lewis, through education in Glasgow and years of abuse to finally facing his addiction is charted, with supplementary testimony from fellow
addicts and professionals, over the course of this 60 minute documentary.

He maintains a strong relationship with his ex-wife and children, became captain of the local golf club and though he is a self-effacing individual, he hopes his story is an inspiration to others who find themselves locked in addiction. Show less

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