One of the best- loved children's authors of all, Jacqueline Wilson, on the cuts facing British libraries, her achievements as Children's Laureate and why she thinks some adults are wary of giving her books to children.
Writer Elaine di Rollo on using fiction to get to the parts of social history that her academic research can't reach.
A Day in the Life of MacNaughtan's Bookshop in Edinburgh. We spent a happy few hours among the secondhand and antiquarian books discussing with the staff the economic challenge the shop faces, whether there's a future for newcomers to the trade and, of course, that magical moment when you suddenly realise you 've found something precious.
And what help can a mentor be to a struggling young writer? Katerina Vasiliou and author Beatrice Colin discuss what each of them brings to their working partnership.
Produced by Serena Field. Show less