Baird nan Oran
Series 2
Episode 4
30 minutes
Bha daimh làidir eadar am bàrd Domhnull Moireasdan agus an aite gam buinneadh e, Nis ann an Lèodhas. Agus na bhardachd bha an arainneachd agus an obair nàdar mu chuirt air a' nochdadh gu tric. Tha am program seo a'rannsachadh an duine agus a chuid bardachd.
The poet Donald Morrison was born and brought up in Ness on the Island of Lewis. This most northerly part of the island is bounded by the Atlantic on one side and the Minch on the other. It's perhaps not surprising then, that nature and the environment that surrounded him features so often in his poetry. This programme explores the man and his poetry. Show less