In the second episode of Lynne Truss's new comedy drama, something miraculous happens when Jaci Hughes, a young cartographer, arrives to map The Rock, an massive large geological feature overhanging a remote Golf Club in Wales, where it has been raining for twenty years. No one is glad to see Jaci - not severely repressed Angharad, nor 'Mad' Auntie Susan, who is clearly a man dressed up, nor Riddle, the disgusting old greenkeeper, and certainly not Charles who is desperate to prevent the curse claiming another victim. Margaret John stars as Angharad, former Flying Picket Brian Hibbard as Aunty Susan, and comedian Tom Allen as Charles. Lynne Seymour plays Jaci, Lee Mengo is Uncle Gwyn and Howell Evans plays Riddle
A BBC/Cymru Wales production, directed by Kate McAll. Show less