Series 1
Episode 10: Altram Gun Chiall/Rùm airson Ceathrar
20 minutes
Tha an t-àm ann taic a chuir ri eucoir - Lìog Oillteil nan Sàr Eucoir (L.O.S.E)!
Altram Gun Chiallha Dotair Cròg a' cruthachadh caraid-mùthaidh dha Cuilean Luain, creutair a dh'fheumas a h-uile rud a chì e ithe 's e sìor fhàs mòr agus a bruchdail fad na h-ùine mar thoradh. Aig an aon àm, tha Bholtar trang a lorg ulaidh sa ghàrradh 's e creidsinn gun bheil a leithid ri lorg fon chomharra X a tha air nochdadh.
Feumaidh an Lìog aite-fuirich ùr a' lorg 's Sopsilla a' gabhail thairis an togalach aca. Tha iad a' gabhail seòmar anns an taigh-òsta ach tha sàr-laoich a' bhaile air cruinneachadh san aon àite airson an deireadh-sheachdain. Mi-thoilichte mun t-seòmar a chaidh a thabhann dhaibh, tha an Lìog a' cur romhpa seòmar nas fheàrr fhaighinn ach tha na planaichean aca air an cur ceàrr 's Niall a' Cheartais ag obair san taigh-òsta.
It's time to root for the bad guys with The League of Super Evil (L.O.S.E). Follow their evil leader Bholtar as he keeps his team - Trustar Ruadh, Dtr Cròg and Cuilean Luain - in check! Four bumbling villains with a new approach to badness!
Cròg creates a new mutant friend for Cuilean Luain in his laboratory, a creature that eats anything it sees, grows larger by the minute and constantly burps. Meanwhile, Bholtar tries to dig for buried treasure from an X marked in his yard.
After their headquarters become inhabited by Sopsilla, the League decides to stay at a hotel for the night. However, a superhero gathering is also being held there and all the good rooms have been taken. The League form plans to get themselves a better room than where they were dumped, but their plans are thwarted by Niall a' Cheartais who now works there as a porter. Show less