Gasgich na Greige
Episode 11: Perseus an Tòir air Medusa (Perseus and the Search for Medusa)
25 minutes
Ged is e Zeus athair dha, chaidh Perseus a thogail mar bhalach àbhaisteach ann am baile beag còmhla ri mhathair. Tha an Righ suarach, Polydectes, a toirt air Perseus dearbhadh gur e mac Zeus a th' ann da-riribh le bhith a dol air toir an uilebheist, Medusa. A bharrachd air a bhith gaisgeil, treun, feumaidh Perseus ionnsachadh comhairle a ghabhail mu tha e gus tilleadh dhachaigh gu mhàthair beò.
Perseus is a demigod - his mother is a mortal and his father is Zeus, king of all the gods. Evil King Polydectes goads Perseus into bringing back the head of Medusa to prove he really is a god. With a little help from Hermes and his father Zeus, Perseus must find a way of killing Medusa without being turned to stone. Show less