Gasgich na Greige
Episode 9: Hercules agus Iolas (Hercules and Iolas)
25 minutes
Air sgàth 's gu bheil Hercules a dèanamh a chùis air na dùbhlain eagallach a tha i a' cur na aghaidh tha Hera a' fàs feargach 's i a leigeil beathaichean fiadhaich mu sgaoil ann am Mycanea. Turas eile, tha e an urra ri Hercules 's Iolas muinntir an àite a shàbhaladh.
In her vengeful desire to destroy Hercules, Hera unleashes more terrible beasts upon the kingdom of Mycanae. Once again Hercules and Iolas must combine strength and quick wit in order to battle the many dangerous beasts. Show less