Gasgich na Greige
Episode 5: Bellerophon and Pegasus
25 minutes
Nuair a shaoras Belerophon each nan diathan, Pegasus, bho cruadal an Rìgh bhorb tha e air a chur air toir a Chimera mar pheanas. A' gabhail an dubhlann seo os làimh, tha Belerophon a' sealltainn fìor ghaisgealachd 's mar thoradh tha a bhan-dia Athena 's Pegasus ga chuideachadh gus buaidh fhaighinn air an uilebheist uabhasach.
Upon freeing Pegasus from an evil king, Bellerophon is banished to another kingdom to kill the fire-breathing Chimera. He continues on his journey in an attempt to free the people from the Chimera. To reward his courage, Athena gives Bellerophon a golden saddle. Show less