Donald Macleod introduces the brilliant, but little-known musicians of 17th and 18th-century Spain, where the collision of ancient and modern traditions, popular songs, and the ever-present spirit of Spanish dance produced a dazzling treasure-trove of masterworks that has yet to be fully explored.
Santiago de Murcia: Jacaras por la E
Paul O'Dette (baroque guitar)
Harmonia Mundi, HMU907212 Track 1
Sebastian Duron: A batallar estrellas
Al Ayre Espanol
Eduardo Lopez Banzo (director)
Harmonia Mundi HMI987053 Track 9
Matheo Romero: Magnificat
Ensemble vocal et instrumental Currende
Erik Van Nevel (conductor)
Cypres, CYP 3606 Track 2
Matheo Romero: Missa bonae voluntatis (excerpts)
Choeur de Chambre De Namur
La Fenice
Jean Tubery (director)
Ricercar RIC229 Tracks 14-22
Dances by Santa Cruz, Romero, Coll and Aranes
Montserrat Figueras (singer)
Hesperion XX
Jordi Savall (director)
EMI CDM7631452 Tracks 20-23
Patino: Maria Mater Dei
Al Ayre Espanol
Eduardo Lopez Banzo (director)
Harmonia Mundi HMI987053 Track 3. Show less