Donald Macleod explores the life and work of Kurt Weill, focusing on the composer's move to Berlin, where he immersed himself in the artistic community, meeting and working with some of the most influential names of the day, including Bertholt Brecht.
Tango Angele (The Tsar has his photograph taken)...Musik in diesem Augenblick...Schnell fort!
Tsar ...... Barry McDaniel (baritone)
The False Angele ...... Marita Napier (soprano)
The False Assistant ...... Heinz Kruse (tenor)
The False Boy ...... Hilke Helling (contralto)
The Leader ...... Mario Brell (tenor)
Koln Radio Orchestra and Choir
Jan Latham-Konig (conductor)
Capriccio 600 007-1 Tr 8
Concerto for violin and wind orchestra, Op 12 (1st mvt)
Nona Liddell (violin)
The London Sinfonietta
David Atherton (conductor)
DG 423 255-2 Tr 9
Der Neue Orpheus
Carole Farley (soprano)
Michael Guttman (violin)
Rhinische Philharmonie
Jose Serebrier (conductor)
ASV CD DCA 987 Tr 1
Das Berliner Requiem - for tenor, baritone, male choir, wind band, guitar, banjo and percussion
Alexandre Laiter (tenor)
Peter Kooy (bass)
Choeur de la Chapelle Royale
Ensemble Musique Oblique
Philippe Herreweghe (director)
Harmonia mundi HMC 901422 Trs 7-12 Show less