Sgaoileadh Nan Sgeul
Episode 3: Sgeulachd an Lin/The story of Flax
15 minutes
Dealbhan-beò stèidhichte air sgeulachdan as gach àite. Nuair a tha Rìgh a' faighinn gealltanas mu shìol bhon tig toradh luachmhor tha e a' fiadhaich nuair nacheil cuisean a' tighinn gu buil mar a tha e a' miannachadh. Tha am marsanta bhon a cheannaich e iad a' faighinn am prìosan. Ach a dh'aindeoin sin tha e a' dearbhadh don a Rìgh gur e an fhirinn a bh'aige bho thus.
Animated folktales from around the world. When a foreign merchant promises 'seeds that will turn into gold' an avaricious king cultivates them zealously. Disappointed with the results he orders the arrest of the merchant and destcuction of the plants but despite scorching, soaking and beating the plants survive. The merchant shows how the plants can now be turned into linen - a golden crop that can be re-sown forever. Show less