Series 1
Na starlets dhubh
55 minutes
Ann an 1991, tha aon òigear deug aois sia bliadhna deug à Ghana a' cur iongnadh air an t-saoghail, 's iad a' buannachadh Cupan na Cruinne (fo aois seachd bliadhna deug). Tha iad a' cosnadh cliù dhaibh pèin gu math luath mar chluicheadairean math ann an saoghal proifeiseanta a' bhall-coise agus tha tòrr dhiubh làn dòchais a' falbh dhan Roinn Eòrpa 's iad gu bhith nan cluicheadairean proifeiseanta. Ach dè thachair do Nii Lamptey agus na Starlets Dhubh?
In 1991 eleven young 16-year-olds from Ghana took the world by surprise by winning the under-17s Football World Cup. Overnight, they became the hottest property in professional football and, full of hope, many of them set off to Europe to live their dream as professional football players. So what has become of Nii Lamptey and the others? Show less