It is the halfway stage in the search for the Sorcerer's new apprentice and things are about to get even tougher for the sorcerees. After mastering animal and liquid magic, they are about to face their toughest magical subject yet. Kids' Magic.
In order to help the trainee magicians perfect their entertaining skills, the Sorcerer sets them a clowning challenge with a difference. He has invited a top choreographer and hip-hop clowning expert Isaac Baptiste to Magic HQ. Things are about to get very funky.
Tommy is given a rather unusual confidence-boosting task and when the sorcerees are paired up for the hip-hop clowning, Amber faces her toughest mission to date. She has got to get Ben dancing! Mr Knight and Miss Evans once again do battle as they compete for the Teacher Challenge trophy. Yes, they will be getting into the groove too, in a dance-off on the Magic HQ stage! Show less