Sgrìobhadairean òga Gàidhlig le cuis nam beathaichean a bha beò air a Ghàidhealtachd aig aon am. Tha deasbad air èirigh mu bhi a' toirt ais chun a' Ghàidhealtachd beathaichean a bha aig aon am beò ann bho cho-dhùin an EU gum bu choir beachdachadh air gnè bheathaichean a bha dualach do sgìrean a' thilleadh thuca , 'ma bha sin comasach. Tha sgrìobhadairean Gàidhlig òga a' beachdachadh air a chuis anns an t-sreath seo. Chaidh an iolaire-mara a thoirt air ais a' Mhuile agus tha a' Ghàidhlig ga brosnachadh cuideachd le clann dhan teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha Tearlach Quinnell a' beachdachadh air na ceumannan seo.
Young Gaelic writers consider the possible reintroduction of extinct species into the Highlands.
An EU directive states that animal species once indigenous to, but now extinct from, rural regions of Europe should be reintroduced wherever possible. It's led to a great deal of debate about what is in line for a comeback to the Scottish Highlands.
Tearlach Quinnell assesses the impact of two initiatives on Mull: reintroducing the sea eagle and reviving a previously indigenous language at the Gaelic medium unit of Salen Primary School. He also celebrates the sea eagle with a specially written Gaelic song that is performed in the film by his friend, Griogair Labhruidh. Show less