Comedy series by Christopher Douglas and Andrew Nickolds.
Ed Reardon, author, pipe smoker, consummate fare-dodger and master of the abusive email, attempts to survive in a world where the media seems to be run by idiots and lying charlatans.
Ed has rekindled his relationship with fellow author Mary Potter and they are in a record breaking second month of partnership 'bliss'. Elgar, however, is none too pleased
Ed Reardon ...... Christopher Douglas
Olive ...... Stephanie Cole
Felix ...... John Fortune
Mary Potter ...... Sally Grace
Ray ...... Simon Greenall
Jaz ...... Philip Jackson
Pearl ...... Rita May
Frank ...... Geoffrey McGivern
Ping ...... Barunka O'Shaughnessy
Stan ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
With Lewis MacLeod and Nicola Sanderson. Show less