Aig Cridhe ar Ciuil
Episode 8: Òrain cogaidh (Songs of War)
45 minutes
Tha cogadh air a bhi na phàirt do bheatha nan Gàidheal agus cliù aig na Gàidheal mar shaighdearan aig muir is air tir. Tha am prògram seo a' rannsachadh cogadh mar chuspair òrain nan Gàidheal aig am nuair a bha a' rìoghachd a' comharrachadh gu ro 60 bliadhna bho thànaig an darna cogadh gu ceann.
The series exploring the music of the Gael concludes with a special edition to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The experience of the Gael as soldier at home and abroad is a common theme in the work of the bards and Calum MacDonald explores their stories in song. Performers include Julie Fowlis. Show less