Anns an t-sreath seo tha Seumas Dòmhnallach air toir Ghàidheal a thog oir a nall thairis ach a' lorg iad fhèin ann an suidhichean gu math neo-àbhaisteach . Tha Murchadh Moireasdan a Nis ann a Leòdhas air fear dhiubh , is e mar phàirt den chriutha a bh'air an Discovery is i air turus-rannsachaidh anns an Antarctic eadar 1929 - 1931.
The lives of Gaels whose global journeys found them in extraordinary situations. Largely unknown in their native countries, their stories encapsulate the adventurous and indomitable spirit of many who left their homeland in search of a new life.
In this programme, Seumas Macdonald and John Morrison follow the story of Murdo Morrison from Ness, Isle of Lewis, who was a crew member on Discovery's 1929-1931 BANZARE expedition to Antarctica. Under the command of Sir Douglas Mawson this was Discovery's most important expedition, mapping out huge tracts of previously unchartered lands, some discovered for the first time by aerial survey, courtesy of the Gypsy Moth plane carried on board. Show less