Aig Cridhe ar Ciuil
Episode 4: Ag obair 's a seinn (Working songs)
29 minutes
Mar a tha obair mar phàirt bunaiteach de bheatha an duine , tha òrain airson spiorad a' luchd-obrach a thogail aig cridhe ar ciùil. A-measg a luchd - ciùil a tha seinn is a' cluich tha Ailean Dòmhnallach, Màiri NicaGhobhainn agus Rona Lightfoot.
Continuing the series which looks at the place of song in the world of the Gael. Songs to lift the spirit and to lighten the burden of work are a common feature across cultures, not least that of the Gaels. Amongst those singing while they work are Rona Lightfoot, Allan MacDonald, and Mairi Smith. Show less