these gramophone records
Biblical Sonata, the fight between David and Goliath : 1 Goliath's bravado ; 2 Fear and Prayer of the Israelites ; 3 David's Courage ; Fight and death of Goliath ; 6 Flight of the Philistines ; 7 Fanfare of women ; 8 General hilarity (Johann Kuknau ) : Erwin Bodky (davichord)
.Polish traditional songs : Przydili hlani :
Tak to na wojence ladnie ; Edward Boleslawski (tenor), with piano ; Miales chamie zloty Rog ; Wojenko, Wojenko :
Marian Nowakowski (bass), with piano Selection : The Miracle (Humperdinck) :
London Symphony Orchestra and Choir, conducted by Einan Nilson